Miami's leading clinic offering solutions for children with developmental delays

We offer solutions for children with Autism, ADHD, OCD, Tics, Tourette's, PANS (PANDAS), and other developmental disorders.

Create a healthy neurological foundation for your child's brain.

Founder of Vital Brain Institute, Inc.

Meet Dr. Chopra

Dr. Chopra is the founder of Vital Brain Institute, Inc. She is a seasoned practitioner with a distinguished career spanning over 15 years. Her career has taken her through a fascinating range of cases, from working with elite athletes to complex vertigo cases in adults. But her true passion is pediatric care. Dr. Chopra's heart lies in making a difference in the lives of children with developmental disorders such as Autism, ADHD, Tics, Tourette’s, and PANS (PANDAS).

Dr. Chopra specializes in neurological rehabilitation, a subset of neurology that focuses on rehabilitating the brain. She studied at Clemson University before attending chiropractic school and then medical school. She then obtained a degree in Clinical Neuroscience. Dr. Chopra's extensive credentials include multiple certifications in neurology and functional medicine. This knowledge allows her to merge multiple disciplines together to achieve the best results for her patients.

The brain develops in a very specific and sequential order

The brain starts developing at 3 weeks in utero. The neural tube starts forming and that eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord that we are born with.

When your baby kicks in utero, they are not consciously kicking - it’s a primitive reflex that is controlling these responses. These reflexes are there to help enable movement until the brain matures. Each reflex emerges at a specific time for a specific reason. We develop the spinal galant reflex to assist in the birthing process. We develop the rooting reflex in utero so we are able to latch at birth. But if a newborn isn’t able to latch at birth, that is a clue that there may be something developing incorrectly in their brain.

Every movement that a baby does (or doesn’t do) is a window into their brain development.

So why aren’t we checking (and correcting) these movements at the time they may be deviating from normal? Why do we have to wait until it compounds into a speech impediment or a non speaking child? Why do we need to wait for these things to compound into a bigger issue?

The brain develops in a very specific sequence. When we follow this sequence, we can identify where the missing links may be. When we identify any areas of the brain that didn’t develop when they were supposed to, we have an opportunity to correct and improve a child’s developmental trajectory to help create a healthy neurological foundation for your child.

Our services

Create a healthy neurological foundation for your child’s brain.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to form new neural connections.

Brain Mapping
Primitive Reflex Integration

Retained primitive reflexes can be the root cause of developmental delays.

Identify the function of different regions of the brain.

Our clinic offers innovative strategies to optimize brain function. Your child's brain can change.

Early Detection

We specialize in the proactive identification of early signs and symptoms that may indicate the onset of neurobehavioral disorders, including Autism, ADHD, and developmental delays.

We can provide timely interventions and personalized strategies that promote optimal neurological development. The brain has the capacity to reshape and adapt neural pathways.

woman holding baby beside man smiling
woman holding baby beside man smiling

Primitive Reflexes

Primitive reflexes are instinctual movements that babies are born with, like the Moro reflex (startle response) or rooting reflex (turning towards touch). As children grow, these reflexes should integrate and make room for more advanced skills. This process of integration is essential for healthy neurological development.

If these reflexes persist longer than expected, it may indicate developmental delays. In individuals with Autism, ADHD, social issues, or learning issues, these reflexes may persist beyond their expected timeline or fail to integrate fully. This can have a significant impact on their motor coordination, social interactions, and learning abilities. These persistent reflexes can interfere with daily activities, hinder social engagement, and contribute to challenges in acquiring and retaining new skills. Understanding and addressing these primitive reflexes is an important aspect of therapy and intervention strategies aimed at supporting individuals with Autism, ADHD, social issues, and learning issues.

girl in blue denim dungaree pants holding blue and white polka dot handbag
girl in blue denim dungaree pants holding blue and white polka dot handbag


Neurofeedback is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that aims to regulate and optimize brain activity. Patients receive real-time feedback about their brainwave patterns and learn to self-regulate them.

Through the use of sensors placed on the scalp, neurofeedback measures brainwave activity and translates it into visual or auditory cues that the individual can perceive. By observing this feedback, individuals can learn to consciously influence their brain activity, promoting desired patterns associated with improved cognitive functioning, emotional regulation.
