Vital Brain Institute

Treatment Methods

We offer solutions for children with Autism, ADHD, OCD, Tics, Tourette's, PANS (PANDAS), and other developmental disorders.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Our specialized approach harnesses the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself, allowing for the development of new neural connections and improved functioning. Through targeted therapies, we focus on stimulating neuroplasticity in the brain, promoting improvements in behavior, cognition, and social interaction. By engaging in activities that challenge and stimulate the neural pathways associated with specific deficits, we aim to enhance neural connectivity and optimize brain function of children with neurobehavioral disorders.

Primitive Reflex Integration

Primitive reflexes are instinctual movements that babies are born with, like the Moro reflex (startle response) or rooting reflex (turning towards touch). As children grow, these reflexes should integrate and make room for more advanced skills. This process of integration is essential for healthy neurological development.

If these reflexes persist longer than expected, it may indicate developmental delays. In individuals with Autism, ADHD, social issues, or learning issues, these reflexes may persist beyond their expected timeline or fail to integrate fully. This can have a significant impact on their motor coordination, social interactions, and learning abilities. These persistent reflexes can interfere with daily activities, hinder social engagement, and contribute to challenges in acquiring and retaining new skills. Understanding and addressing these primitive reflexes is an important aspect of therapy and intervention strategies aimed at supporting individuals with Autism, ADHD, social issues, and learning issues.

boy standing on sand
boy standing on sand

Early Detection

We specialize in the proactive identification of early signs and symptoms that may indicate the onset of neurobehavioral disorders, including Autism, ADHD, and developmental delays.

We can provide timely interventions and personalized strategies that promote optimal neurological development.

baby in gray sweater lying on white textile
baby in gray sweater lying on white textile


Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), also known as photobiomodulation, involves the application of specific wavelengths of light to targeted areas of the brain, stimulating cellular activity and promoting beneficial neurochemical changes. LLLT has been found to modulate brain activity and promote neuroplasticity, which can lead to improvements in cognitive function and behavior. This therapy has been shown to enhance mitochondrial function, increase cerebral blood flow, and reduce inflammation, all of which are factors implicated in neurobehavioral disorders. Photobiomodulation has demonstrated positive effects on social interaction, communication, and sensory sensitivities. For individuals with ADHD, it has shown potential in improving attention span, impulse control, and executive functions.

red and yellow abstract painting
red and yellow abstract painting


Neurofeedback is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that aims to regulate and optimize brain activity. Patients receive real-time feedback about their brainwave patterns and learn to self-regulate them. Through the use of sensors placed on the scalp, neurofeedback measures brainwave activity and translates it into visual or auditory cues that the individual can perceive. By observing this feedback, individuals can learn to consciously influence their brain activity, promoting desired patterns associated with improved cognitive functioning, emotional regulation.

Vagus Nerve Rehabilitation

Vagus nerve rehabilitation refers to therapeutic interventions and exercises aimed at stimulating and restoring the optimal function of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a major cranial nerve that plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and stress response.

child in white sweater and blue denim jeans standing on dried leaves during daytime
child in white sweater and blue denim jeans standing on dried leaves during daytime

Right-Eye Reading Test

The RightEye Reading Test is an FDA cleared diagnostic tool designed to identify issues with eye movement that could hinder reading and learning. Vision problems are often mistaken for disinterest, dyslexia, or ADHD. The RightEye Reading Test can analyze a student's eye movements while reading, assess reading comprehension, and compare reading performance with peers of the same grade level. This test detects various aspects such as reading gaze replay, fixations and saccades, regressions and return sweeps, gaze disparity, comprehension, and head movement. It also tracks involuntary eye movements. Utilizing eye tracking technology, parents can watch a playback of their child's eye movements during reading.