Early Detection

We specialize in the proactive identification of early signs and symptoms that may indicate the onset of neurobehavioral disorders, including Autism, ADHD, and developmental delays.

We can provide timely interventions and personalized strategies that promote optimal neurological development.

baby in gray sweater lying on white textile
baby in gray sweater lying on white textile
Neurological Maturation
The human brain undergoes an orchestrated sequence of development, with each phase contributing to a foundation for subsequent growth. Our expertise allows us to identify potential issues at their earliest stages.
When a baby fails to reach developmental milestones such as sitting up or crawling, it can indicate a delay in the corresponding area of the brain responsible for controlling these motor functions.

Our assessments delve deep into neural networks, allowing us to discern subtle irregularities that might not be immediately evident. This proactive approach is pivotal because it allows us to intervene precisely when the brain's plasticity is at its peak, and intervention has the most significant potential to rewire and redirect developmental trajectories. Our interventions are tailored to stimulate the brain in ways that address specific delays, promoting the formation of necessary neural connections and fostering the growth of brain regions that might require additional attention.

Our mission is to optimize brain growth and function.

Primitive Reflex Assessment

Primitive reflexes are innate, automatic movements that emerge in infancy and serve as the building blocks for more complex motor skills and higher cognitive functions. When these primitive reflexes fail to integrate properly, it can signify an underlying issue in the corresponding neural pathways. For instance, if a baby experiences difficulty in latching, it might indicate a delay in the oral-motor reflexes, which are crucial for feeding and speech development.

Identifying such delays is pivotal, as unresolved primitive reflexes can lead to developmental challenges. These delays might impact a range of functions, from fine and gross motor skills to sensory processing and even higher-order cognitive abilities.

We utilize targeted neurological exercises that are designed to rehabilitate and integrate primitive reflexes. By stimulating specific neural pathways through repetitive and targeted activities, we facilitate the formation of new connections and pathways that can potentially correct developmental delays.

a baby is holding a napkin in his mouth
a baby is holding a napkin in his mouth
person holding babys feet
person holding babys feet
baby's white onesie
baby's white onesie
Developmental Delays

Developmental milestones provide valuable insight into a child's neurological progress, allowing us to identify potential concerns before they evolve into more significant challenges. Early signs such as delayed speech, motor skills, or social interactions can often indicate underlying issues in neural development.

By closely monitoring these early markers, we gain a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between neurological maturation and functional abilities. These delays can stem from various factors, including the integration of primitive reflexes, the establishment of neural pathways, and the formation of synaptic connections. Our specialized assessments are finely tuned to detect these subtle variances and deviations from the expected developmental trajectory.

Upon identification, our interventions are designed to support the brain's plasticity during the critical periods when it is most receptive to change. Through tailored therapies, exercises, and interventions, we aim to stimulate the brain's growth in a way that aligns with typical developmental sequences. This process not only addresses the immediate delay but also sets the stage for the individual to achieve their full potential across various domains.