Motion Guidance

Motion Guidance is a tool designed to assist individuals in improving their movement patterns and enhancing motor skills. It consists of a visual feedback system that utilizes lighted attachments or markers placed on the body or equipment. By providing real-time visual cues and guidance, Motion Guidance helps individuals develop proper movement mechanics, coordination, and spatial awareness.

Spatial Awareness

Motion Guidance can be beneficial for children in developing spatial awareness by providing visual cues and feedback on their movement patterns. The visual markers or attachments used in Motion Guidance can help children understand and perceive their body's position in space, promoting a better sense of spatial orientation and body awareness. By observing the movement of the markers and their relationship to the surrounding environment, children can gain a clearer understanding of their own body's position, movement trajectory, and spatial boundaries.


Motion Guidance can assist children in developing better proprioception (awareness of body position) and kinesthetic sense (awareness of body movement). This improved sensory awareness, combined with the visual feedback provided by Motion Guidance, helps children to better synchronize and control their movements. Over time, this can lead to enhanced coordination, precision, and fluidity in their motor skills.

Body Alignment

Motion Guidance can be instrumental in promoting proper body alignment during movement tasks. By providing real-time visual feedback and cues, it assists children in achieving and maintaining correct posture and alignment. Children can visually track the position and movement of markers or attachments placed on specific body parts. This visual feedback helps them become more aware of their body's position in space and encourages them to make necessary adjustments to achieve optimal alignment.