We offer solutions for adults with neurological disorders.

The brain can change.

Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself, allowing for the development of new neural connections and improved functioning.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Our specialized approach harnesses the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself, allowing for the development of new neural connections and improved functioning. Through targeted therapies, we focus on stimulating neuroplasticity in the brain, promoting improvements in behavior, cognition, and social interaction. By engaging in activities that challenge and stimulate the neural pathways associated with specific deficits, we aim to enhance neural connectivity and optimize brain function of children with neurobehavioral disorders.


The brain has the ability to form new neural connections, modify existing ones, and rewire its structure. This dynamic process enables the brain to continuously adapt and optimize its functioning. Neuroplasticity occurs at various levels, ranging from microscopic changes in synaptic connections to larger-scale reorganization of brain regions.

Vagus nerve rehab

Vagus nerve rehabilitation refers to therapeutic interventions and exercises aimed at stimulating and restoring the optimal function of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a major cranial nerve that plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including heart rate, digestion, and stress response.

woman in black tank top sitting on tree trunk during daytime
woman in black tank top sitting on tree trunk during daytime

By utilizing real-time monitoring of brainwave activity, neurofeedback provides children with immediate feedback of their brain states. This feedback helps them become aware of their mental states and learn to self-regulate their attention. Children can train their brains to enhance focus and attention by reinforcing desired brainwave patterns associated with concentration.